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About Us

Who is Bobby Q. ?

His name is Bobby Qiu (Pronounced like the letter "Q"). Born and raised in the countryside of  China, he and his family came to this country to pursue the American dream; too seek inspiration and skills of entrepreneurship of this country. He sought love and inspiration of this country, and therefor received in return.  He is the inspiration to my talent. He is the motivator to my obstacles. He is the support to my creativity. He is the investor to my idea. He is the guinea pig to my creation. He is the punn to my joke. He is the protégé to my success! 

He is Bobby Qiu! 

Who Are We

Bobby Q. Sauces & Marinades was established in 2021 by Bobby's wife Amanda. The idea originated when it was decided that Bobby's full name, Bobby Qiu, sounded like a funny pun to the iconic Barbeque sauce. Hence the name Bobby- Q- Sauce. Through the many years of joking and teasing of his name, the idea of actually making a sauce was suggested. The culinary background and creativity of his wife was put to the test of creating a delicious barbeque sauce from scratch. 

Bobby Qiu Sauces & Marinades are made from all natural herbs, spices and ingredients. All sauces are made from scratch and made fresh to order. The potential is limitless, therefore the quality is priceless.

"The start of a quality legacy begins with care."



Meet your creator

"My love is food. My passion is creativity. My future is success! I do what I love and I love what I do. I overcome any obstacle and I celebrate my completion."  

                                                        Amanda Qiu

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